Friendship Baptist Church Of Christ Jesus

Malachi 3:8-10 Message Bible 


Begin by being honest. Do honest people rob God? But you rob me day after day. You ask, How have we robbed you? The tithe and the offering—that’s how! And now you’re under a curse—the whole lot of you—because you’re robbing me. Bring your full tithe to the Temple treasury so there will be ample provisions in my Temple. Test me in this and see if I don’t open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

CASH APP: Coming Soon
To Bless Pastor Paul or Evangelist Dallas Burleson with a Seed of Love:
CASH APP: $pastorPaul123
ZELLE for Pastor Paul Burleson -    
CASH APP: $Evangelistdallas7
Online: Click on the link above 
Select Pastor/Wife Donation in the form and follow the instructions.
We Thank You for your generosity in giving of your Tithes, Offerings and Donations!  We know God Loves A Cheerful Giver! And know that we LOVE YOU!